Following 4 years of project experiences, VONK has obtained a strong market position with its NEYA power supplies for large-scale electrolysis. We have seen a lot of developments in the electrical grid and want to inform you on how you can optimize the electrolyser power supply for the electrical grid of tomorrow.

After this webinar, you will have a deeper understanding of:

  • Drivers for development of grid requirements
  • The role of the power supply
  • Suitability of different power supply solutions for different scenario’s

Additionally, we have an announcement to make and we welcome you to be a part of this.

You can register via the link below:

The Electrolyser Power Supply for the Electrical Grid of Tomorrow (

Neya, by VONK,  is our new brand dedicated to providing cutting-edge power supplies for large-scale electrolysers in the hydrogen industry. Our products are meticulously designed to meet the demanding requirements of the hydrogen industry while promoting sustainability.

Neya Power Supplies are fit-for-scale solutions at the lowest cost per megawatt. They are power factor and harmonics compliant and are easy to integrate in your electrolysis installation.

Find out more about Neya on

Neya – Powering Green Hydrogen

We are thrilled to announce the launch of 𝙉𝙚𝙮𝙖!

A Dutch company from Zwolle is providing the link between Scandinavia’s largest green hydrogen production plant and the renewable energy source. In doing so, it is making an important contribution to the expansion of the green hydrogen economy in Europe.

VONK designs and delivers innovative electrical installations, including solutions for conversion systems for electrolysers. Electrolysers are used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity. When this is done with renewable energy, such as solar, wind or hydropower, it is referred to as green hydrogen.

Connecting an electrolyser to the electricity grid requires a conversion system that converts the high voltage of the AC grid into DC voltage suitable for the electrolyser. In addition, the characteristics for each electrolyser are different and electricity grid operators (such as TenneT) have different requirements for the electrical behavior of the conversion system. This ensures that specific knowledge is required to make such solutions on a large scale. Worldwide, only a limited number of companies are capable of doing this, and VONK is one of them.

The so-called P2X project for which VONK supplies the electrical conversion system is being realized in Harjavalta, Finland. The electricity for this project is generated by a hydropower plant. For the P2X project, VONK is cooperating with Germany’s Sunfire, which is supplying the electrolyser. With a size of 20 megawatts, this project is as big as the largest electrolyser currently in operation in Europe. The end customer P2X Solutions announces it will build an additional 1,000 megawatts of capacity over the next 10 years.

Huge growth in electrolysis capacity is also expected at other companies in the coming years. With that, the impact of electrolysers on the power grid is also growing, making the expertise of companies like VONK increasingly important to realize such projects. VONK therefore expects substantial growth in the coming years.

More information about VONK’s ‘Hydrogen Solutions’ can be found at

Een Nederlands bedrijf uit Zwolle levert de koppeling tussen de grootste fabriek voor groene waterstofproductie in Scandinavië en de duurzame energiebron. Hiermee levert het een belangrijke bijdrage aan de uitbreiding van de groene waterstofeconomie in Europa.

VONK ontwerpt en levert innovatieve elektrotechnische installaties, waaronder ook oplossingen voor conversiesystemen voor electrolysers. Electrolysers worden gebruikt om water met behulp van elektriciteit te splitsen in waterstof en zuurstof. Wanneer dit met duurzame energie gebeurt, zoals zon, wind of waterkracht, dan wordt gesproken over groene waterstof.

Om een electrolyser aan te sluiten op het elektriciteitsnet is een conversiesysteem nodig dat de hoogspanning van het wisselstroomnet omzet in gelijkspanning die geschikt is voor de electrolyser. Daarbij geldt dat de karakteristieken voor elke electrolyser verschillend zijn en dat beheerders van elektriciteitsnetten (zoals TenneT) andere eisen stellen aan het elektrische gedrag van het conversiesysteem. Dit zorgt ervoor dat specifieke kennis vereist is om dergelijke oplossingen op een grote schaal te maken. Wereldwijd is slechts een beperkt aantal bedrijven hiertoe in staat en VONK is er hier één van.

Het zogenaamde P2X project waarvoor VONK het elektrische conversiesysteem levert, wordt gerealiseerd in Harjavalta in Finland. De elektriciteit voor dit project wordt gegenereerd door een waterkrachtcentrale. VONK werkt voor het P2X project samen met het Duitse Sunfire, dat de electrolyser levert. Met een grootte van 20 megawatt is dit project even groot als de grootste electrolyser die momenteel in Europa in bedrijf is. De eindklant P2X Solutions kondigt aan in de komende tien jaar nog 1000 megawatt extra aan capaciteit te bouwen.

Ook bij andere bedrijven wordt de komende jaren een enorme groei verwacht in de elektrolyse capaciteit. Daarmee wordt ook de impact van de electrolysers op het elektriciteitsnet steeds groter, waarmee de expertise van bedrijven als VONK steeds belangrijker wordt om dergelijke projecten te kunnen realiseren. VONK verwacht daarom de komende jaren forse groei.

Meer informatie over de ‘Hydrogen Solutions’ van VONK kunt u vinden op

VONK delivered this project for Schneider Electric. The team from VONK succesfully finished installation work and testing of all system on board at the Botlek – Rotterdam area in time to our customer’s satisfaction.

VONK was responsible for all the detail design and detail engineering & fabrication activities,

  • All assembly activities, utilizing standards and proper workmanship,
  • Functional Testing,
  • Transport
  • Provision of “work-packs” for execution of site installation works,
  • As built (status of Ex-works delivery) documentation

VONK is specialized in the design, construction and installation of prefabricated E-houses and Substations for on- and offshore power distribution facilities.

We do not only deliver a building, we have capabilities to design, engineer, construct, install, commission and handover, ensuring the functionality of the system components and reducing the risk and Total Cost of Ownership for our clients.

On 24 March 2022 VONK received an award from Orano during their Supplier Award Ceremony in Paris, in the category ‘Competitiveness’.

Merijn van Mourik (MD) and @Thomas Andre (Site Team Lead) received the award from Mr. Edouard Blondel (Supply Chain Director) and Mr. Jacques PEYTHIEU (Business Director of the chemical enrichment unit).

Orano were especially impressed by VONK’s performance in the Energy Saving project. By re-engineering the electrical power drives, the Energy Saving Project will allow for a large reduction in power consumption in Orano’s uranium enrichment plants.

The power consumption savings are expected to be the equivalent of the yearly average energy usage of about 2,500 households.

As VONK we feel proud and appreciated and will continue supporting Orano in making their production more efficient and even greener.

As VONK we are proud to have been granted an order from NOBIAN Industrial Chemicals for the engineering, fabrication, outfitting and testing of five prefabricated substations for the electricity supply for five  new salt production wells in Haaksbergen, the Netherlands.

Before delivery to the salt wellhead locations in Haaksbergen, the pre-fabricated substations will be 100% functionally tested in order to reduce the commissioning period in the field as much as possible.

The five prefabricated substations will be delivered in four  batches in the third quarter of 2022.

The prefabricated substations will contain the following equipment:

  1. 10 kV Ring Main Unit/Switchgear;
  2. 10/0.4 kV transformer;
  3. Low voltage switchgear;
  4. UPS system;
  5. Airco unit;
  6. Distribution Boards.

In 2023 NOBIAN Industrial Chemicals will start salt production in Haaksbergen. Due to the thick salt layer in this area  it is possible to guarantee the long term  salt production in a safe manner, with a limited number of new wells to be drilled. In the years after the area will be further developed following a “step-by-step” approach, until 2055.

From the salt wellhead locations the “brine” (salt water) will be transported through a pump station to a treatment plant in the town of Hengelo.

Example of a “salt house” at an existing salt wellhead location
Design of the pump station that will be installed in Haaksbergen.

We as VONK are very proud to be an invited party in the GROW offshore wind consortium to develop and demonstrate technology that will accelerate the scale-up of offshore wind, green hydrogen production and its integration in the energy system.
Besides being invited by Shell, we are also honored to be mentioned in one line with our consortium-partners GEABBTechnical University Eindhoven, and Technical University of Delft to develop the electro-technical innovations.
It is announced that the GROW consortium FlexH2 project was awarded subsidy of the MOOI-SIGOHE scheme. The Shell-led research project FlexH2, which stands for Flexible Offshore Wind Hydrogen Power Plant, intends to develop and demonstrate technology that will accelerate the scale-up of offshore wind, green hydrogen production and its integration in the energy system.
Please check out the full article on below website:

More than a decade ago we supplied our advanced medium frequency drive systems to our French customer, who is active in uranium enrichment. Since then we have been doing the level 1-4 maintenance on these drive systems as well. Because the electronics in the drive systems are getting older now, we have recently set up a more pro-active approach for these drives. Within this pro-active Risk Based Asset Management approach, we have developed the so-called VONK Life Cycle Management (LCM) programme, for which we were recently granted a six years contract by our French customer.

The VONK LCM programme comprises of the following main components, each with their specific added value for the customer:

Obsolescence management – by continuously monitoring the potential obsolescence, the customer will know at an early stage which components will become obsolete and whether they can be replaced by an alternative or need to be re-designed,

Knowledge retainment – we will make sure that the necessary knowledge will stay available at the right level and within sufficient resources,

Keeping Technical Product Documentation (TPD) up-to-date,

Maintenance of customer-specific electronics test facilities,

Managing all security sensitive data and documentation storage, including security screening of employees.

Are you interested in the possibilities of Life Cycle Management for your power and electronics related installed base as well, please contact us to find out together how we can create value for you.

#lifecyclemanagement #assetmanagement #obsolescence #powerelectronics

This morning our colleague Bart de Vries held an interesting webinar on “Power supplies for large-scale electrolysis”. A great audience, reaching from OEM and EPC to asset owner, divided over more than 15 countries, attended the 30 minutes session, followed by a questions round.
The entire presentation including questions round is now available for you via the following YouTube link:

Our webinar addressed optimizing power supply choices for large scale electrolysis facilities in different application environments. Furthermore we shared the many lessons VONK has learned from project involvement over recent times, as well as an outlook to the developments in the near future.
Do you want to optimize the power supply to ensure the best ROI for your large-scale electrolyser? Then this webinar is the one to look back, or you can of course also directly contact VONK through

We hope you will enjoy watching this webinar and we look forward to seeing you online for our next webinar, which we will plan in the near future.
For our next Webinar, we are seeking companies that are interested to have a round table discussion regarding Efficient Hydrogen Production.