It has been a challenging but productive year for VONK in Brunei.
In 2020 VONK successfully completed the first Stacked EDG (Emergency Diesel Generator) Switch houses for Brunei LNG (BLNG).
This unique stacked and compact design was chosen to cope with the limited space available within the plant.
The bottom unit houses an emergency diesel generator, while the top unit houses the switch house.
As VONK we are always proud to be able to create cost effective, fit or purpose solutions to help our client achieve their goals.

The first units have been successfully completed early 2020. The remaining two units were made ready for the final outfitting at the end of 2020, under the challenging COVID-19 working conditions.
Currently we are on track to deliver the final two units in early 2021.
For the operations department at Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP), VONK has been providing end-to-end solutions as part of an integrated team together with our client.
This co-operative, goal driven approach allows us to identify plant issues, create detailed solutions and implement these successfully within a short time frame.
The integrated Client/VONK team approach means that a single team runs the process from start to finish, minimizing cost while providing a “fit for purpose” quality solution.
This approach has proven to be very successfully during 2020 and we look forward to expanding this approach to other clients.

In 2020 VONK provided system integrator expertise for the BSP projects department on multiple projects.
VONK, as an E&I system integrator specialist, fully understands the challenges of integrating and modifying multiple vendor systems in live brownfield environments.
Working in an integral team together with the client we are able to reduce shutdown risks and minimize the required shutdown periods.
VONK is proud to continue delivering this integrated approach also in 2021, in order to support our client in achieving their project goals.