It has been a challenging but productive year for VONK in Brunei.

In 2020 VONK successfully completed the first Stacked EDG (Emergency Diesel Generator) Switch houses for Brunei LNG (BLNG).

This unique stacked and compact design was chosen to cope with the limited space available within the plant.

The bottom unit houses an emergency diesel generator, while the top unit houses the switch house.

As VONK we are always proud to be able to create cost effective, fit or purpose solutions to help our client achieve their goals.

The first units have been successfully completed early 2020. The remaining two units were made ready for the final outfitting at the end of 2020, under the challenging COVID-19 working conditions.

Currently we are on track to deliver the final two units in early 2021.

For the operations department at Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP), VONK has been providing end-to-end solutions as part of an integrated team together with our client.

This co-operative, goal driven approach allows us to identify plant issues, create detailed solutions and implement these successfully within a short time frame.

The integrated Client/VONK team approach means that a single team runs the process from start to finish, minimizing cost while providing a “fit for purpose” quality solution. 

This approach has proven to be very successfully during 2020 and we look forward to expanding this approach to other clients.

In 2020 VONK provided system integrator expertise for the BSP projects department on multiple projects.

VONK, as an E&I system integrator specialist, fully understands the challenges of integrating and modifying multiple vendor systems in live brownfield environments.

Working in an integral team together with the client we are able to reduce shutdown risks and minimize the required shutdown periods.

VONK is proud to continue delivering this integrated approach also in 2021, in order to support our client in achieving their project goals.

The Gbaran Phase 3A project is an infill project aimed at sustaining gas supply to Shell facilities and the domestic gas markets. The substation will be delivered to the so called Enwhe field.

VONK and its Turkish supply chain partners almost finished the fabrication and outfitting of two more or less similar fully welded prefabricated substations. The substations are both equipped with medium and low voltage switchgear as well as an uninterruptable power supply system. 

The fabrication started in the second half of 2020 under challenging circumstances.

The pandemic forced us to conduct intermediate remote video inspections assisted by local welding expects and NACE inspectors. This enables our client to witness the inspections from their bases in Nigeria. The outfitting of the substation progressing well and the final acceptance test is scheduled for early February 2021 after which the substations starts its journey to their final destination.

Last week our colleague Bart de Vries held a very interesting webinar presentation on ‘How to Power your Electrolyser’ in large scale green hydrogen production plants. A great audience, reaching from OEM and EPC to end user and asset owner, and divided over almost 20 countries, attended the 30 minutes session, followed by a 15 minutes questions round.

The entire presentation is now available for you through the following link: (broadcast starts at 2:30 min)

Our webinar yesterday addressed the importance of the Electrolyser Power Supply and has given answers to the following questions :
– Why is the power conversion between the grid and the electrolyser so important?
– What are the different options and technologies for the Power Supply of the electrolyser, and what are their pros and cons?
– How do I make sure I get the best fitting power supply for the electrolyser system in my hydrogen project?

Are you planning a green hydrogen project and would like to get the most output from your electrolyser? Do you want to optimise the use of renewables as input for your electrolyser? Then this webinar is the one to look back, or you can of course also directly contact @VONK through

It is always good when your client confirms the work you do for them creates value and is well appreciated. In this case, one of our key clients Urenco complimented us twice. On the first occasion we successfully delivered a smart drive and control system, so that Urenco can run their stable isotope production SMART and reliably. On the second occasion we planned and performed the maintenance of our drive systems for their uranium enrichment production within a limited available time frame, so that the reliability and availability of these drives is again guaranteed.

#uraniumenrichment #controlsystems #drivesystems #convertertechnology

VONK has successfully executed the Gbaran Ubie Control Systems upgrade project. This project involved virtualization and upgrades of the Control System, PCD-IT network and Power Management System at the Gbaran Ubie facilities of the Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC). The Gbaran-Ubie field, located in the Niger Delta in Nigeria, consists of a Central Processing Facility (CPF) and 15 well cluster sites. Most of the gas feeds the NLNG plant at Bonny.

The field wide Distributed Control System was obsolete: there were reliability issues and the systems did not comply with the cyber security requirements. VONK performed a FEED to investigate the issues and to select the best way forward. Based on the FEED results VONK was awarded the contract for detail design and commissioning to upgrade and de-complex the Control System.

The site team, consisting of 6 VONK engineers, 2 Control Systems engineers and 6+ SPDC Engineers and Technicians, managed to successfully execute the site works during the annual turn-around, despite COVID-19, heavy rainfall and flooding in Nigeria.

SPDC now has an up-to-date, cyber secure and stable Control System that is ready for the planned extensions in the coming years.

Een mooie bijdrage in het magazine van Shell Nederland over ons jarenlange partnerschap met de NAM en Shell.

Innovatie en nauwe samenwerking vormen de basis van de vele succesvolle internationale projecten die VONK als partner van NAM/Shell in de afgelopen 80 jaar heeft mogen uitvoeren.

Benieuwd naar de ‘roots’ van ons partnerschap? Lees het gehele artikel op pagina 36 van het Shell Venster.

In December 2019 VONK and Ampulz merged and rejoined forces to become one company again. Since then we have been working hard on the integration of the two companies. Teams and disciplines were merged where needed and all internal processes and quality systems are now fully aligned.

We now operate as one company and feel it is important to also present ourselves as one team striving to achieve one mission. This creates clarity and transparency. We are therefore moving forward under one brand with a strong legacy: VONK.

In 1937, Arjen Vonk, the son of a Frisian ice skate manufacturer, started selling and repairing radio transmitters and other household appliances from his store in Coevorden and over the years built multidisciplinary company servicing clients across the world.

Today, in honour of his name and legacy we continue as an international solution provider for Power Conversion, Electrical & Instrumentation (E&I) and Control & Automation (C&A) challenges.

With our experience of more than 80 years, we create value for our clients in a wide range of industries: Energy (renewables, nuclear, oil and gas), Chemical, Manufacturing and Defense.

Together as VONK, we can enable and accelerate your Energy Transition. We improve the power supply and control of your critical production processes and inspired by technological innovations we contribute to a more sustainable society.

VONK’s mission is to be a leading power and control system solution provider creating sustainable value for our clients by solving complex energy transition challenges.

Continuing as one brand also means we will continue with one integrated website and we want to invite you to visit our refreshed website

We are of course still the same team with the same people, who you have trusted to work with and this will not change. With our integrated organization, our recent move of our workshop close to our office in Zwolle and our joint vision & mission we want to take our relationship with you to the next level and create more value for your company.

We look forward continuing to serve you under one brand: VONK.

Theo has been with VONK for 40 years now. We’d like to congratulate Theo with this extraordinary achievement. Theo, thank you for all your years of loyal service (in good- and bad times), your genuine interest in VONK and above all, your commitment.

Keep up the good work!

After the various simulations executed in the design phase of the project, Vonk / Ampulz is now proud to pass part of the inhouse functional test of the new 140MW DC Power Converter for IPP Garching.

IPP is a scientific institute that is researching Nuclear Fusion for Clean energy without waste. To enable the research, plasma of millions degrees Celsius is created. The plasma is floating in a magnetic field. Extreme strong magnets are creating the magnetic field to establish the floating plasma. Vonk / Ampulz builds the power converter to establish 140 MegaWatt DC power and all periphery to energize the magnets .

Lou van LieshoutWalter Zunnebeld (in picture) and the rest of the project team; Thanks for your continuous efforts and high quality power conversion expertise to make these challenging projects possible.
Vonk does apply the same power conversion technology in the production of #hydrogen.

From 25 to 27 August 2020 Decom North Sea’s Annual Awards Ceremony and Conference, Decom Offshore, will take place virtually.

The event can be reached via: Dave Oesterholt from VONK will be Speaker at this event on the 27th of august 2020, during session 6. Dave will present the latest Hybrid Power System developments and projects. These HPS systems provide Offshore Platforms with Renewable Energy based on Solar, Wind and/or Wave, during Operation, or after Production, in Lighthouse Mode, prior to Decommissioning. We hope to meet you online!