After the various simulations executed in the design phase of the project, Vonk / Ampulz is now proud to pass part of the inhouse functional test of the new 140MW DC Power Converter for IPP Garching.
IPP is a scientific institute that is researching Nuclear Fusion for Clean energy without waste. To enable the research, plasma of millions degrees Celsius is created. The plasma is floating in a magnetic field. Extreme strong magnets are creating the magnetic field to establish the floating plasma. Vonk / Ampulz builds the power converter to establish 140 MegaWatt DC power and all periphery to energize the magnets .
Lou van Lieshout, Walter Zunnebeld (in picture) and the rest of the project team; Thanks for your continuous efforts and high quality power conversion expertise to make these challenging projects possible.
Vonk does apply the same power conversion technology in the production of #hydrogen.