Create value and sustainable growth by helping solve difficult challenges of the Energy Transition, building on our strong foundation of our technical capabilities and our work & reputation with our clients
”VONK’s mission is to be a leading power and control system solution provider creating sustainable value for our clients by solving complex energy transition challenges and enabling your Energy Transition.”
”Inspired by technological innovations we want to contribute to and create a more sustainable society.”
About VONK
1937 – 1989
VONK’s history starts in 1937, when Mr Arjen Vonk started a transistor radio supply & repair shop in Coevorden, Netherlands. The roots of VONK today were planted when shortly after WW2, Shell started development of nearby discovered oil- and gasfields and Mr Vonk shifted from radio’s to engineering and providing electrical solutions & services to that burgeoning industry.
Quickly developing its reputation for innovation and reliability, Shell engineers were quick to turn to VONK for help from other locations around the world, too. Facing difficult conditions in remote locations, VONK was one of the first to pioneer prefabrication of E&I solutions (instead of on-site construction) – initially in wooden crates later steel containers. These containerised solutions or containerised buildings, also known as substations, are now industry standard and still part of VONK’s business today.
VONK continued to grow, internationally (taking on larger complex projects) but also developing a significant generic E&I contracting business in the Netherlands. Latter business is characterised by high volume-low margins and this business saw a wave of consolidation in the 1980’s. When Mr Vonk decided to retire in 1989, he sold his company (several hundred employees at the time) to Internatio-Möller, the predecessor of Royal Imtech, a multi-billion listed E&I contracting conglomerate. VONK’s local E&I contracting business was integrated into Imtech E&I business whilst VONK’s core international project business continued as separate business unit Imtech VONK.
1990 – 2010’s
In 2002 VONK strengthened its power conversion capabilities by integrating HOLEC Projects and has since been providing solutions and services to highly specialized and complex power conversion challenges – especially where a combination of high power, high accuracy and high reliability is critical.
VONK became the strategic supplier of drives in the uranium enrichment industry (>50% of centrifuges in western hemisphere rely on VONK drives) and defence (exclusive supplier to leading defence client to power & cool its hi-tech military grade naval and land radar systems), and delivered multiple landmark solutions to renowned scientific institutes (most recently a 140MW DC drive solution to suspend plasma of 200 million degrees in an electromagnetic field)
2015 – 2018
In 2012 Imtech combined all its (non E&I contracting) businesses with global industrial clients including Imtech-VONK into a separate division called Industry International with a strategy to develop as a specialist EPC contractor mainly focused on oil & gas: foregoing margin for size and taking on increasingly larger projects. This division was sold to current shareholders in 2015.
New shareholders already decided that given its diminished scale this ‘EPC strategy’ was not viable and that only sharing an international industrial client base offered too few synergies across each different business and in 2016 separated the different businesses again into separate companies each with their own technical niche speciality. And because it still enjoyed broad recognition in the industry the oil & gas business activities were relaunched as VONK.
Partly also due to the coinciding slump in the industry, too few large contracts were awarded and as VONK’s backlog was cleared results could deteriorate quickly and business turn-around was required: VONK refocused on its core capabilities and businesses: specialized containerized and control & automation solutions particularly for complex brownfield settings (where its OEM competitors struggle) and by restoring and strengthening relationships with its core power conversion clients in defence and nuclear (which had become strained under Imtech). It also included reducing VONK’s cost position by diversification and optimisation of its supply chain, outsourcing of manufacturing & assembly to a network of trusted suppliers & partners in lower cost countries.
Testimonial to its enduring reputation, network, and especially its recognised and trusted differentiated technical- and project management prowess, VONK was awarded with increasingly large contracts not normally awarded to a company of its size.
2018 – TODAY
Whilst realizing its turn-around, VONK management looked to the future and recognising VONK’s capabilities were highly relevant to the many challenges surrounding the energy transition, and in 2018 started implementation of the next phase of its growth strategy. Shifting its business development and technological resources to create a position within key energy transition markets and in particular large scale green hydrogen, whilst simultaneously transforming from a project- to product / solution–oriented business model to become more scalable to accelerate growth and increase profitability.
Supported gain by its VONK’s strong network, reputation within its scientific and industrial client base, including O&G clients which rapidly are transforming into dominant and key players in the energy transition started to pay dividends.
2018 – TODAY
Whilst in 2018 its revenues still originated from its traditional business, its energy transition related sales funnel started to grow and today VONK’s sales funnel has qualified opportunities to deliver power supply to over 2GW of electrolyser capacity in the coming years.
In addition to large growth opportunities in VONK’s core legacy businesses, VONK projects exponential growth from delivering power supply solutions to industrial scale green hydrogen revolution where not only its required scale up (high power requirements) but also growing complexity of connecting and interacting with increasingly congested power grids (high accuracy, high reliability) place VONK and its unique set of capabilities, products and solutions in a key position in this revolution.

Meet the VONK Team

Merijn van Mourik

Patrick Bekel

Auke Huits

Anas Elias

Bart de Vries

Dave Oesterholt

Jan Naber

Jurgen Tollner

Jurgen Staal